Fundraising News

We have some great fundraising and social plans for 2024!
Please keep your eyes and ears open for the following key fundraising events -

* Sock drive - Ongoing
* Club Weekend - 11th & 12th May

& a few other things in the pipe line!

Your assistance is welcome in the running in any or all of these events, please contact any Committee member to discuss.

Bank Account Details

Falcons Hockey Club
BSB 640000
Acc 111092364
Narration - Your Name

Club Weekend

Club  Day - FB post FIN Al

Sock Drive

Who said socks had to be boring?   

134A566F- 3481- 4791- AF52- 95B9A095DA86

Priced at just $6 per pair these are a guaranteed fun addition to your wardrobe, great for Xmas stocking stuffers, birthdays & really, just good to keep your feet warm!

Limited sizes remain, please ask to have a look at what is available! 

  54675B85- 49DA- 479B- 9E23- 0DBD351D904F   0148643C- E87A- 43A6- 9C1A- 320B74F19ADD  F5ECDD03- 0DC5- 4D27- BE60- 41C741E1B429

Gold Sponsors
Wilvie PlumbingPhone 0403 682 140
Cristabel PTY LTDPhone 0419 299 264
Excell Gray BruniPhone 0458 001 552